Wedding Thank You Card Wording Tips

Your wedding was a romantic masterpiece, leaving you with joyous memories that will last a lifetime. But the preparation that went into making your big day special was monumental. Many people were there to assist, support, and love you.

From sweet family and friends who helped with tackling the to-do list or who simply gave advice, to the guests who came and wished you well and presented you with beautiful gifts, you were blessed.

Suggestions for Wedding Thank You Card Wording

So now it’s time to pull out those gorgeous thank you cards and pen your gratitude. If wedding thank you card wording seems a little intimidating, these suggestions will inspire you. They will help you to not only complete the task, but to enjoy the process. Grab your spouse, revel in the memories, and get started with who want to thank:

> The closest to you
> The bridesmaids and groomsmen
> The wedding guests for attendance
> Those who gave wedding gifts
> Thank the group

1. Begin with those closest to you

It’s easy writing thank you’s to those you know best, so start with them. If your mom, sister, or best friend was by your side throughout practically every moment of planning for the big day, let them know just how much that meant to you. Not only did they help get things crossed off that towering list, but they lifted you up when you felt stressed, and gave you insightful advice. Their card might sound something like this:

  Having you by my side as we planned the wedding and put everything into place was an amazing blessing that I will cherish forever. My heart is filled with memories of our conversations, shopping trips, and moments of laughter, and they will always be a part of our special day. I couldn’t have asked for a better or more inspiring helper. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you did.

Thank you for having you by my side - Wedding Thank You Card Wording Tips

2. Next thank the bridesmaids and groomsmen

Let’s face it, these people put in a lot of time and effort to make your wedding day memorable.

» They spent money on clothes, hair, and make up.
» They planned parties and celebrations.
» They may have spent money on travel and a hotel stay and
» They did it all because they love you and wanted to make your wedding the best it could be.

A thank you card message for them might be similar to this:

We are honored that you served in our wedding and did so many wonderful things to make it perfect. We have marveled at your energy, creativity, and caring attitude as you helped make everything fall into place. Thank you for all you did and for being such an extraordinary friend.

3. Thank wedding guests for attendance

Let your guests know that you treasure the part they have in your life, and that you are honored that they came to your wedding. If they said something special at the wedding or gave you some good advice, add a reference to it in the message to let them know that you remember it. They will be happy knowing it meant something to you. Here is a suggestion for wording their message:

You mean so much to us, and we enjoyed celebrating our wedding with you. Thank you for sharing in our joy and supporting us with your love. You have placed many happy memories in our hearts. We will be sure to remember your advice to invest time in our marriage. We greatly value your wisdom. 

Wedding Thank You Card Wording Tips - From the bottom of our hearts

4. Thank those who gave wedding gifts

To help make this job easier, try to write a thank you card as soon as you can after receiving the gift, whether it’s before or after your wedding. Keep a detailed list of who gave what. And please, be careful not to leave anyone out. According to Hallmark, it’s best to send your thank you card within three months, but better late than never. When thanking someone for a gift, it is important to be specific. Let them know that you remember what they gave you, and that you are using it in some way. Here’s an example:

Thank you for the beautiful blue vase. We have placed it on the mantle in our living room, and each time we see it, we think of you. We will enjoy it for years to come. Your thoughtfulness is amazing, and we appreciate your love and kindness.

If the gift was money, your message might be more along these lines:

Thank you for your generous gift. We are so excited to be able to add it to our furniture fund. It was thoughtful of you to help us get our new home looking great. We look forward to having you over soon to see it.

If the gift came from someone who wasn’t able to attend the wedding, try something like this:

We are sorry that you couldn’t attend our wedding. We missed you but want you to know that we received the beautiful lamps you sent. We love them and will treasure them as much as we treasure your friendship. Thank you for thinking of us.

5. Thank the group

If you received a gift from a group, send individual cards, but be sure to acknowledge the group. Here’s an idea:

We love the exquisite wine glasses you gave us. They are perfect, and we are enjoying many romantic evenings using them. You and the rest of the gang will have to come over soon and try them out. Thank you so much for your generosity. 

Wedding thank you card wording is not that difficult when you make it heartfelt and personal. Use just the right words to make the recipient feel special, and let them know that their acts of kindness did not go unnoticed.

Remind them of how you feel about them, and let them sense your honest gratitude. Keep the messages short, sweet, and simple, and remember to be timely in getting your cards out.

Your thank you card recipients will be warmed by your heartfelt words.

Hi! I'm Maya Taylor. I'm glad to have the opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences through this blog. I'm a couples and relationships counselor since 2008. My friends call me "relationships therapist". I'm passionate with life and I believe that life is meaningless without love. Hope to have a great communication through!